It may sometimes feel that paperwork is all you ever do! But good record keeping and project admin can be a saviour when disputes arise. Below is a case study where Edge Consult supported a client who was facing issues with time and expenses. 

The Issue:

A main Contractor was seeking a significant extension of time (over 20 weeks) together with a payment of around £255k for its loss and expense from a local authority (‘the Employer’ under the contract – who was our client).

How did Edge Consult help:

The Contractor had written to the Employer making it clear that it was intending to commence an adjudication for the disputed claims.

Edge Consult provided an independent opinion on the veracity of the claims tabled by the Contractor and was able to construct a chronology of events, providing a month-by-month summary of the likely events that had delayed the project. When all the facts were clearly set out, the only conclusion that could be reached supported the Employers position.

A report on likely causes of delay, entitlement to time, and any loss and expense was provided to the Employer.


Following a series of meetings, the Contractor eventually conceded that it was not entitled to anything like that which had been claimed, and an amicable conclusion was eventually reached between the Employer and Contractor. Therefore meaning that an adjudication was averted.

This case study highlights how important it is for good record keeping. Ultimately it was the project records that played a significant role in preventing this from getting to an adjudication.